Meeting to consider SB 691, SB 1035, SB 1208, SB 1226 and SB 1228

Senate Judiciary Committee

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 | 11:30 a.m.

East Wing, Hearing Room 8E-B


Meeting to consider SB 691, SB 1035, SB 1208, SB 1226 and SB 1228


Call to Order

Committee Meeting

  • SB 691 (Gordner) – Amends Section 911(a) of Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) to add a second judge to the Court of Common Pleas in the Twentieth Judicial District and a third judge to the Court of Common Pleas in the Twenty-sixth Judicial District.
  • SB 1035 (Browne) – Amends Title 20 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes by adding numerous definitions applicable to trusts generally and to change references to “trust instrument” to “terms of a trust” and to add a new Subchapter H.1 to Chapter 77 of Title 20 known as the Directed Trust Act (the “Act”).
  • SB 1208 (Browne) – Amends Title 42 to (i) add debit cards as an acceptable method of paying court costs, restitution and fines, (ii) provide that if a defendant defaults in the payment of court costs, restitution and fines and fails to appear at a hearing to determine the defendant’s ability to pay, the account may be turned over to a collection agency or a county collection enforcement unit, (iii) allow a defendant to request a new hearing to determine the defendant’s ability to pay, and (iv) to prevent a report to a consumer reporting agency unless a financial determination hearing has been conducted and the defendant is found to be financially able to pay.
  • SB 1226 (Baker) – Amends Titles 18 and 42 to provide that a court shall expunge the record of a juvenile under circumstances that are enumerated in SB 1226 and requires a Chief Juvenile Probation Officer to notify the court of a juvenile’s eligibility for such expungement.
  • SB 1228 (Baker) – Amends section 6353 of Title 42 to require courts to hold disposition review hearings at least every 3 months to ensure that a child committed to out-of-home placement is receiving necessary services and treatment.


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