TOMORROW: Senate Judiciary Committee Holding Voting Meeting

 HARRISBURG – The Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Lisa Baker (R-20), will hold a voting meeting, tomorrow, Sept. 17, at 11:30 a.m., in the Senate Majority Caucus Room, Room 156 of the Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.

The following bills will be considered:

  • Senate Bill 1306, P.N. 1860 (Baker)Amends Title 23 (Domestic Relations) to require that the fees for the service of PFA orders be distributed to the law enforcement agency who serves the defendant with a copy of the order.
  • Senate Bill 1317, P.N. 1872 (Baker/Martin)Amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) to classify the crime of Sexual Assault by a Sports Official, Volunteer or Employee of a Nonprofit Association as a Tier II sexual offense under the Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA).

Cara Laudenslager

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