Meeting to consider SB 92, SB 96, SB 175, SB 326, SB 347, SB 471, SB 475, and SB 490

Senate Judiciary Committee

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 11:30 a.m.

Room 8E-B, East Wing


  • Senate Bill 92, P.N. 47 (Mastriano)Amends Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) to establish a mandatory minimum sentence for the crime of drug delivery resulting in death when the defendant has two or more prior felony drug convictions.
    • Amendment No. 00177 (Baker)Removes exception to enhanced sentencing when a victim is under 13 and the defendant is convicted of third degree murder for the same criminal act.
  • Senate Bill 326, P.N. 256 (Baker/Robinson) Amends the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to provide for the automatic scheduling of a substance when the substance is added to the schedules as a controlled substance under federal law.
  • Senate Bill 347, P.N. 284 (Tartaglione) — Amends the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act to prohibit the operation of safe injection sites and provide for related penalties.
  • Senate Bill 475, P.N. 430 (Cappelletti/Baker)Amends Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) replacing “problem-solving” courts with the term “treatment” courts.
  • Senate Bill 490, P.N. 444 (Robinson)Amends Title 42 to prohibit an issuing authority from setting non-monetary bail when the defendant is a person posing a threat to public safety.
  • Senate Bill 471, P.N. 425 (Laughlin) Amends Title 42 to require a prosecuting attorney to notify the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when a defendant is present in the United States in violation of federal immigration law. 
  • Senate Bill 96, P.N. 51 (Brooks)Amends Title 18, section 2706 (relating to terroristic threats) to increase the grading of the offense when the threat relates to a school of institution of higher education and require a person convicted of terroristic threats to pay for the cost of an evacuation or emergency response to the threat.
  • Senate Bill 175, P.N. 114 (Hughes) Amends Title 18, section 4905 (relating to false alarms to agencies of public safety), by authorizing a court to order a person convicted of the offense to pay for the cost of emergency response.
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